Life with the Goebels!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas '09

Merry Christmas to our AVID followers.
ahem. which is like... no one. :)
here are a few photos from our Christmas Eve with The Smith's (Kayla's side of the family)

David and I :) Our FIRST Christmas as a married couple! It was fun.. but man are we EXHAUSTED. And I (Kayla) am feeling 10 lbs heavier!

David doesn't like how many pictures Kayla likes to take :)

The "Smith" Cousins. Zach, who is home from AZ, Nicole, Zach's sister and one of Kayla's closest friends who goes to MSUM, & David and Kayla

Nicole & Kayla

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope your days were blessed, your company was amazing and your food was delicious! I am excited to see what the next year will bring!
All our Love,
Kayla & Dave