I haven't blogged in a million years.
I started typing this out as a facebook status, and well, it got way too long, and I really don't want to 'get into it' with people. That's not my thing. So, I typed and typed and typed and then copied it to blogger, for no one to see. But at least it's out of my head.
David and I are on opposite ends of the political skew. It probably isn't surprising to most, although we both are fairly moderate in either of our sides. We debate quiet often, which usually ends in my frustrated because I am just not good at debate, and he is very, very smart. We respect each others ideas, and every now and then one will say, "You are right, that is an excellent point."
The other day we discussed the famed 'Obama Care', or, if you want to sound like an educated individual and not a media zombie, the Affordable Care Act. It has already helped our family the last few years but... that's a story for a different day.
He was frustrated because of a overlooked loophole, we will actually not qualify for any of the Affordable Care Act subsidies like we originally thought we would. He was more than frustrated. But I wasn't. I have heard some success stories and I live a not-so-success story (when it comes to the Affordable Care Act.) These are my thoughts.
The reason our country is in trouble, the reason we are in debt way past our eyeballs, fighting in wars that we maybe shouldn't, fixing problems we maybe shouldn't, etc etc. is because of the people who live here. We, the people.
Everyone thinks that everything should benefit them at all times.
"The affordable care act doesn't do anything for me, so much for your promises, Obama!"
"I don't agree with this war! Thanks Pres. Bush!"
I could go on and on and on and on and on.
The simple truth of it all is this. Not everything will work out for your benefit at all times. That is not the reality of life. And most people I know, they should know that by now. But everyone goes to their outlet, be it facebook, twitter, the bar, your friend, your spouse, and throws their little tantrum, and then we all vote for some guy to be president with a hopeful message and a lot of promises that we all know no single human can keep. Then we get mad and hate him while he (someday she!) is in office, then 2 years after his term(s) we start to like him(her) again and hate the current president.
People. WAKE. UP. You don't like something... don't just complain about it, make your heart angry over it and waste your breath. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And in your passion to do something, whether its just to discuss it with others or start/join an organization, do not forget about being kind and loving to your fellow humans. If they don't agree with you, get over yourself. If someone had the answers like you seem to think you do, don't you think they would have tried it already?
I understand that some issues get heated simply because of different life experience. David and I are very prime examples of that, I live that in my daily life. But, having a life experience doesn't make it ok for you to be an extremist, talk down to your fellow humans or disrespect other's opinions. Because when you are out there, so passionate that you have the correct answer and you think that anyone that opposes you does not, check yourself. Someone probably had a different life experience that they are passionate about.
That's all folks.
P.S. Here's a super cute kid (mine!) to make you smile.
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